Where There’s Love, There Should Be Care

California-Mexico Studies Center

By: The Opportunity Agenda

Families of all forms should be able to be there for each other in times of need, and no one should have to risk their job or financial stability to care for themselves or their loved ones. Especially in this urgent time of COVID-19, it’s imperative that everyone – workers at every level of our society – has access to Paid Family and Medical Leave.

Together, let’s raise the drumbeat around an inclusive, equitable, and visionary narrative on Paid Family and Medical Leave so that policymakers hear our call for Paid Family and Medical Leave for all!

The Opportunity Agenda can help you achieve this with our new messaging memo, Telling a Story About Families and Opportunity, which lays out a foundation for communicating about the importance of Paid Family and Medical Leave policies for all shapes and types of families in our country.

Our memo is based on public opinion research completed in 2019 and builds on a range of advice garnered from research and the experience of communications experts and family support advocates from across the country.

Now is the time to demand Paid Family and Medical Leave for all. In the midst of the current coronavirus pandemic, we cannot wait a day longer. We are in this together, and together we can shift the narrative to ensure that everyone receives the care they deserve, without fear of losing a paycheck or job. Join us in advancing a narrative of care. Where there’s love, there should be care – our families deserve nothing less.

Read the full memo: Telling a Story About Families and Opportunity

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