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Trump expected to refile paperwork to end DACA this week
By: Brett Samuels ~ The Hill~ July 6, 2020
President Trumpis expected to refile paperwork this week to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that offers protections for thousands of young immigrants, according to multiple people familiar with the planning.
Trump was initially expected to move to once again rescind the Obama-era program last week, but it was pushed back, according to one source. The exact timing remains in flux, but Trump is now expected to file the paperwork this week.
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows hinted in an interview with Fox News earlier Monday that the president was readying executive action on immigration issues, though he did not offer specifics.
If the Trump administration files this week, the new DACA policy will coincide with an official visit from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico, the country of origin for a majority of DACA recipients …Read full article here
The CMSC demands that AMLO pressures Trump to free all the caged children and re-open DACA
Canciller Marcelo Ebrard, Foreign Relations Secretary
Attention: President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador July 6, 2020
Señor Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores,
Since Mexico’s president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has agreed to visit Donald Trump, despite the advice from several prominent figures and the loud opposition from the 40 million Mexicans that reside in the U.S., the CMSC hereby officially requests for you and President AMLO to advocate for the following:
- That president Trump follows the Supreme Court’s order to release all immigrant minors detained by the U.S. and the reunification with their parents in the U.S. immediately;
- That president Trump follows the Supreme Court’s order to re-establish the DACA program, allowing for thousands of eligible applicants that have been denied DACA protection since September 5, 2017, and to approve Advance Parole travel authorization for Dreamers to study abroad, for employment opportunities and expedited approval for humanitarian reasons when relatives are critically ill or facing imminent death. After 2 weeks since the court’s order, Trump and USCIS officials continue threaten another attempt to kill the DACA program and to defy the June 18, 2020 Supreme Court order.
- That both presidents reverse their inept response to the Coronavirus crisis and exercise leadership by agreeing to establish a long-term continental plan to abate the COVID-19 pandemic, in collaboration with all nations in the Americas.
Both presidents have a chance to make this questionable meeting more than a political photo-opportunity by addressing key policy issues of great importance.
Professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos, CMSC President and CEO
To read the full letter click here
“No podemos entender que AMLO se entregue a Trump; nos ha ofendido”
Por: Jonathan Flores ~ Global Media ~ 6 de Julio, 2020
(AUDIO) El presidente del Centro de Estudios México -California condenó la visita del presidente de México; asegura que es “un espaldarazo” para el hombre que ha satanizado a nuestro país
La visita del presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, con el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, genera mucha preocupación porque luego de que el mandatario mexicano ha permanecido desde el comienzo de su sexenio sin salir del país, ahora ha escogido el peor momento para salir a dar “el espaldarazo a un Donald Trump que ha satanizado a México”. Así opinó Armando Vázquez-Ramos, Presidente del Centro de Estudios México-California… Leer Mas
Mexico’s President is all in for Trump
By: Enrique Krauze ~ The New York Times ~ July 5, 2020
Mexican democrats will not forget Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s reverence to the man who has maligned us…
MEXICO CITY — President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s visit with President Trump in Washington this week will no doubt embarrass many Mexicans and outrage many Americans. The meeting, intended to bolster Mr. Trump’s campaign, is an opportunity for Mr. López Obrador to return a favor.
When, in April, Mexico balked at reducing its oil output, endangering a global agreement to shrink oil production, Mr. Trump stepped in and promised that the United States would pick up the slack for its southern neighbor with its own cuts. “They’ll reimburse us, sometime at a later date, when they’re prepared to do so,” Mr. Trump said of Mexico. Mr. López Obrador is doing just that by breaking his custom of never leaving Mexico… Read full article
Es un honor estar con Obrador ???
Las críticas a AMLO por su encuentro con Trump
Por: Redacción ~ BBC News ~ 1 de Julio, 2020
Pasaron 19 meses para que el presidente de México anunciara su primer viaje de trabajo al extranjero. Pero el destino y momento que eligió son objeto de múltiples críticas…
Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) realizará una visita oficial de trabajo a Washington DC el 8 y 9 de julio, donde sostendrá una reunión con el presidente Donald Trump en la Casa Blanca.
AMLO ha sostenido desde la semana pasada que su intención es ratificar la entrada en vigor del nuevo Tratado México-Estados Unidos-Canadá de libre comercio, el T-MEC, que entró en vigor este 1 de julio.
Y espera que el primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, también asista, pero hasta este miércoles no había ninguna confirmación pública desde Ottawa… Leer Mas
Hispanic Caucus asks Trump to rescind invitation to Mexican President
By: Rafael Bernal ~ The Hill ~ July 1, 2020
Leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) asked President Trump Wednesday to cancel an upcoming meeting with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, saying it would be a distraction from the coronavirus pandemic.
In a letter to Trump, 13 CHC members led by Chairman Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-Texas) expressed “concerns and disapproval with the recent announcement that you have invited Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to a meeting at the White House in early July.”
López Obrador is due to visit Washington on July 8-9, his first international trip since being inaugurated as president in December 2018, to celebrate the entry into force of the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA).
“While this meeting may appear to be trade related and tied to the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), it is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the coronavirus crisis and your failure to lead an adequate response to the pandemic,” wrote Castro. Read Full Article
Lawmakers urge ICE to release migrant families together, following Supreme Court’s order
By: Camilo Montoya- Galvez ~ CBS News ~ June 30, 2020
Congressional Democrats urged the Trump administration on Wednesday to promptly release all families currently held in immigration detention, joining advocates and lawyers in calling for parents and children to be allowed to leave together as the coronavirus continues to spread.
In a letter to top Department of Homeland Security officials, 80 House lawmakers, including members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said officials should not ask migrant parents to choose between allowing their children to be released without them or continuing to face indefinite detention.
“Family separation should never be this country’s policy. Medical organizations have long stated that the practice creates extraordinary harm to children,” the lawmakers wrote in their letter to Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Matthew Albence. “Detention of children for any amount of time, even with their parents, causes physical harm and irreparable trauma.” Read Full Article here
Niños enjaulados el 4 de Julio, Día de la Independencia de Estados Unidos
Caged child shedding red and blue tears.
Designed by Edgar R. Ayala.
U.S. Must Release Children from Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules
By: Miriam Jordan ~ The New York Times ~ June 26, 2020
The order, which cited the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, applies to children held in the nation’s three family detention centers for more than 20 days.
Citing the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, a federal judge in Los Angeles on Friday ordered the release of migrant children held in the country’s three family detention centers.
The order to release the children by July 17 came after plaintiffs in a long-running case reported that some of them have tested positive for the virus. It applies to children who have been held for more than 20 days in the detention centers run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, two in Texas and one in Pennsylvania.
There were 124 children living in those facilities on June 8, according to the ruling…. Read More
Opinions & Commentary:
Por: Dr. Gonzalo Santos ~ Julio 6, 2020
Nuestro presidente mexicano, que arribó al poder como un águila azteca, hoy, bajo el populachero lema de “no hay que agarrarse con Sansón a las patadas” ya aceptó fungir como franco alcahuete de Sansón, con lo que resulto, tristemente, ser puro pájaro nalgón.
Con la excusa de la entrada en vigor del neoliberal T-MEC (TLCAN 2.0), AMLO va a Washington no a otra cosa que a rendir pleitesía a ese nefasto xenófobo y racista que hoy habita en la Casa Blanca.
Sin ni siquiera la presencia de Canadá para taparle el ojo al macho, AMLO va dizque a “agradecerle” a “míster Tron” ¡su “gran amistad y apoyo a México”!
¿Cuáles jaulas con niños mexicanos y centroamericanos? ¿Cuáles ignominiosos muros? ¿Cuáles solicitantes de asilo botados desamparados y hacinados en nuestra frontera norte? ¿Cuáles millones de paisanos perseguidos, encerrados, y deportados? ¿Cuáles insultos, vejaciones, agravios, y medidas draconianas a toda nuestra diáspora mexicana en EE.UU.? ¿Cuáles amenazas y ultimátums a México a que se doblegue a los dictados antinmigrantes de Washington? ¿Cuál cruel saña contra nuestros soñadores? … Leer Mas
Pelosi has thrown down the gauntlet
By: Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. ~ USHLI ~ July 1, 2020
The most politically powerful woman in the United States and only two heart beats away from the Presidency, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has thrown down the gauntlet and called out Donald Trump. Last weekend she said “real men wear masks!”
Seems like the men in the House, the White one that is, don’t have the pantalones to tell their Fake President that if he’s not going to do anything to corral this virus, he should at least wear a mask. That would at least send a message to his TV audience, that watches Fox News, to do the same. Fox News is little more than a purveyor of lies and false information pretending to be a television station. Of the 2.7 million Americans that have the virus and the 127,000 who have died, I wonder how many of them are or were Fox viewers?
Trump believes that wearing a mask diminishes his masculine appearance. Does he really think he looks manly, sexy, and virile? A sex object like God’s gift to women? Hey, if you have to pay a porn star $130,000 …, just saying. He should worry about looking and acting more like a leader and do something about this damn virus before hundreds of thousands more Americans die unnecessarily. He should wear a mask and get a blindfold too, so he won’t get sick or infect his staff. That way, he won’t have to see the mess he’s making of this country…. Read More
Reunion AMLO-Trump: ‘El frio sabe donde se arrima’
Por: Ricardo Raphael ~ The Washington Post ~ June 30, 2020
Ricardo Raphael es periodista, académico y escritor mexicano. Su libro más reciente es ‘Hijo de la guerra’.
“Se sobredimensionó el riesgo, no se ubicó a Donald Trump en el contexto de la campaña electoral. Es distinto ser candidato que ser gobernante”. Con esta fraseatemperó el hoy presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, los ánimos de un nutrido grupo de empresarios el 10 de noviembre de 2016.
Dos días antes se habían celebrado comicios presidenciales en Estados Unidos, en los que ganó Trump, y los ánimos volaban bajo durante la XLIV convención anual del Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas.
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Me tocó en suerte conversar ese día con López Obrador, quien ya estaba en la vía de ser candidato presidencial. Me sorprendió su parsimonia. Trump logró ganar la elección prometiendo, entre otras cosas, la cancelación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN) —“el peor de la historia”, según sus palabras—. También anunció que iba a construir un muro a lo largo de los 3,000 kilómetros de frontera que dividen a las dos naciones, como símbolo del endurecimiento de su política migratoria. Se comprometió a que el pueblo mexicano pagaría por él… Leer Mas
SCOTUS Decision on DACA Análisis Internacional “Soñadores en EEUU”
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