Celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Women’s suffrage and Gov. Newsom’s signing of CSU Ethnic Studies requirement – Newsletter 8/20/2020

California-Mexico Studies Center

–––> Read full newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/3cee4921a93c/celebrate-the-centennialanniversary-of-womens-suffrage-and-gov-newsoms-signing-of-csu-ethnic-studiesrequirement


Centennial anniversary of Women’s Suffrage and what history classes didn’t teach you


“Well I have been & gone & done it!!” Susan B. Anthony wrote to a friend on November 5, 1872. That day Anthony and her three sisters managed to vote in Rochester, New York. Nearly a century after the nation’s founding, seven years after the end of the Civil War, and two years after the 15th Amendment granted voting rights to African-American men, it was still illegal for most women to vote. Anthony and her sisters had been sure they would be denied. Indeed, that’s what they had hoped would happen. They wanted grounds for a lawsuit.

But Anthony, a well-known and intimidating figure, couldn’t help herself. A few days earlier, she had browbeaten the young officials who were registering voters at a local barbershop into putting the women’s names on the voting rolls. When that proved an unexpected success, she spread the word… Read Full Article


Gov. Newsom signs AB-1460 making Ethnic Studies a requirement at California State University

By: ASHLEY A. SMITHEdSource – Aug. 17, 2020

Gov. Gavin Newsom sided with the state legislature on Monday by signing a bill that requires California State University students who enter as freshmen in 2021-22 to take an ethnic studies course focused on one of four ethnic groups in order to graduate.

Assembly Bill 1460 requires all students enrolled on all 23 CSU campuses to take a 3-unit class in Native American studies, African American studies, Asian American studies or Latina and Latino studies. The bill proposed by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber passed the Assembly a year ago and the Senate in June.

The new law will make California the first state to require ethnic studies as a university graduation requirement, according to the California Faculty Association… Read Full Article


Federal Court Accepts New DACA Court Challenge

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By: Yale News – August 14, 2020

On August 14, 2020, a federal court in Brooklyn approved a request from immigrant youth with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status and the organization Make the Road New York to sue the Trump Administration over its newest attempt to dismantle the DACA program. The plaintiffs are being represented by lawyers from Make the Road New York, the National Immigration Law Center, and the Worker and Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic (WIRAC) at Yale Law School.

At the court hearing, plaintiffs in Batalla Vidal v. Wolf explained that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) July 28 memo, which drastically altered DACA, suffers from several legal and constitutional defects. Not only did the Trump administration once again side-step the procedures required to take such an action… Read Full Article


Corte federal aprueba iniciar querella contra cambios discriminatorios por el gobierno a DACA

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Por: JORGE CANCINOUnivision Noticias – Aug. 14, 2020

Una corte federal de Nueva York aceptó este jueves iniciar un proceso de querella en contra del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) por los recientes cambios hechos al Programa de Acción Diferida de 2012 ( DACA).

Tras una audiencia celebrada en la Corte Federal de Distrito de Nueva York, el juez federal George Daniels “nos dio permiso para presentar una nueva querella” para que el gobierno revierta la medida y el programa sea restituido en los mismos términos que se encontraba el 15 de junio de 2012, dijo a Univision Noticias Aracely Martínez Olguín, abogada del National Immigration Law Center (Centro Nacional de Leyes de Inmigración -NILC-)… Read Full Article


DHS Secretary Chad Wolf and USCIS Director Kenneth Cuccinelli are declared ‘illegals’ by GAO

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A government watchdog released its findings Friday that the appointments of President Trump’s top Homeland Security officials were invalid, opening the administration up to legal challenges that could invalidate a number of immigration policies as well as undermine its central 2020 reelection strategy, former officials and legal experts say. The Government Accountability Office said the Homeland Security Department did not follow federal law governing succession when making Chad Wolf the acting Homeland Security secretary and Ken Cuccinelli the senior official performing the duties of deputy secretary.

The GAO’s decision doesn’t carry the force of law, and the department’s inspector general’s office will now review the legality of Wolf and Cuccinelli’s actions… Read Full Article

GAO Report on ‘illegal’ status of DHS Secretary Chad Wolf and USCIS Director Cuccinelli (PDF)


America’s Voice “2021 Immigration Action Plan” 

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By: America’s Voice – Aug. 2020

As President Trump hosted a major anti-immigration campaign rally to fire up his base, America’s Voice joined more than 170 organizations in unveiling the “2021 Immigration Action Plan.” This proposal is a blueprint for the next administration, not only to restore human dignity to a system weaponized by the Trump administration, but to transform America’s immigration system — reinforcing core American values and powering the economic recovery of the nation…. Read Full Article


ICE guards systematically sexually assault immigrant detainees

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by Lomi KrielProPublica – Aug. 14, 2020

Guards in an immigrant detention center in El Paso sexually assaulted and harassed inmates in a “pattern and practice” of abuse, according to a complaint filed by a Texas advocacy group urging the local district attorney and federal prosecutors to conduct a criminal investigation.

The allegations, detailed in a filing first obtained by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune, maintain that guards systematically assaulted at least three people in a facility overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement — often in areas of the detention center not visible to security cameras. The guards told victims that no one would believe them because footage did not exist and the harassment involved officers as high-ranking as a lieutenant…. Read Full Article






Chilangos en el exterior votarán por diputado migrante en el 2021

Por: Araceli Martínez Ortega La Opinión – 18 de Agosto 2020

Ya no hay reversa, los chilangos que radican fuera de México por primera vez tendrán derecho de voto para elegir a un diputado migrante en la elección del año 2021. El Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación Mexicana falló a favor de mantener la figura del diputado migrante, luego de que de último minuto había sido impugnada en junio pasado. Ya con el fallo definitivo y sin posibilidades de apelaciones, el Instituto Electoral de la Ciudad de México (IECM) se prepara para emitir las reglas de participación electoral de los chilangos desde el exterior…. Leer Artículo Completo


El IECM establece elección de diputado Chilango de la Ciudad de México en 2021

Por: Metrópoli, El Universal – Aug. 16, 2020

Una vez que la Sala Superior del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) echó para atrás la decisión del Congreso de la Ciudad de México de desaparecer la figura de diputado migrante, el Instituto Electoral de la Ciudad de México (IECM) deberá establecer los lineamientos antes de que comience el proceso electoral, aseguró el consejero electoral de dicho instituto… Leer Artículo Completo


El diputado migrante se queda cuando juez lo restablece en la Ciudad de México

Por: Conexión Migrante – Aug. 14, 2020

Después de meses de lucha, este 14 de agosto, la Sala Superior instancia del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación decidió dar la razón a los paisanos y rechazar la medida para derogar la figura de Diputado Migrante en la Ciudad de México.

Esta decisión, tomada por unanimidad, representa una victoria histórica los migrantes que durante décadas han luchado por los mexicanos en el exterior…. Leer Artículo Completo

–––> Read full newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/3cee4921a93c/celebrate-the-centennialanniversary-of-womens-suffrage-and-gov-newsoms-signing-of-csu-ethnic-studiesrequirement

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