Dreamers help save COVID-19 victims and the CMSC calls upon Governor Newsom to help Mexico with the pandemic – Newsletter 4/23/2020

California-Mexico Studies Center

Read full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/1db1571b1d46/dreamers-help-save-covid-19-victims-and-thecmsc-calls-upon-governor-newsom-to-help-mexico-with-the-pandemic

“Estamos sosteniendo este país”: cientos de beneficiarios de DACA combaten al coronavirus en la línea de fuego

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By: Citlalli Ortiz, the California-Mexico Studies Center – April 22, 2020

Anel Medina is a highly mature 22-year old DACA recipient from Philadelphia, PA fighting in the frontlines while also watching her future juggle in limbo. Anel was born in Iztapalapa, Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. with her mother at the age of 5. She developed her passion for the healthcare industry when she had to be a translator for her mom’s medical appointments at a very young age and found that there was a lack of Spanish-speaking medical workers to help the Latino community.

Today she is a registered nurse serving in a hospital in Pennsylvania. Anel shares openly about the love she acquired for the medical profession the passion she found in helping others, which shaped her commitment to pursue this career. But she didn’t know that her passion for others was going to be so valuable during this time while her legal status would be in the air…. Read full article here

Beneficiarios de DACA sienten doble incertidumbre durante pandemia 

Por: Telemundo 52 ~ Abril 20, 2020

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Corte Suprema permite a “dreamers” exponer su lucha contra coronavirus en defensa de DACA

Por: Jesus Garcia ~ La Opinion ~ 20 de Abril, 2020

Los jueces conocerán la importancia del trabajo esencial de estos inmigrantes.

La Corte Suprema aceptó la petición de la defensa de los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) para presentar un memorando suplementario sobre la labor que los “dreamers” realizan en la lucha contra el coronavirus. Esto permitirá exponer a los jueces el valor del trabajo de estos inmigrantes y considerar sus esfuerzos en la decisión sobre mantener ese programa de protección de deportación o decidir a favor del Gobierno del presidente Donald Trump, quien ordenó la terminación del programa en marzo de 2018… Leer Artículo Completo

DeVos bars undocumented college students from emergency aid


The new guidance prevents undocumented students from accessing the money, although the law includes no explicit restrictions on which students could receive the grants.

The Trump administration on Tuesday prohibited undocumented college students from receiving emergency federal cash assistance for expenses like food, child care and housing.

The economic rescue law passed by Congress gives $6 billion to colleges to dole out to students for expenses stemming from the disruption on campuses caused by the pandemic. But Education Department officials in new guidance said the money can go only to students who qualify for federal financial aid — U.S. citizens and some legal… Read Full Article Here 

Dreamers in legal limbo help save COVID-19 patients

By: Camila DeChalus ~ Roll Call ~ April 13, 2020

About 29,000 Immigrants Protected By The Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals Program Work As Nurses And Other Health Care Professionals – Amid Deportation Fears. 

Every day for nearly a month, Natalia, a registered nurse in Chicago, has put herself on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, all the while knowing that her days living in the U.S. may be numbered if the Supreme Court decides against upholding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Natalia is one of nearly 29,000 immigrant DACA recipients, or “Dreamers,” working in the health care industry. Many of them work as nurses, lab technicians, or home health aides, and a majority of them work in states with a high volume of coronavirus cases, including California, New York and Illinois, according to the left-leaning Center for American… Read Full Article Here

Trump’s administration is spreading a global pandemic to Mexico and Central American countries


MEXICO CITY — A Mexican citizen deported from the United States is the suspected source of a coronavirus outbreak at a shelter in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Mexican authorities said Monday.

At least 14 other migrants at the shelter were infected in what appears to be the first outbreak in Mexico linked to a deportee from the United States, a scenario long feared by Mexican health authorities and migrant advocates.

More tests were being conducted to determine if other migrants or staff at the shelter had been infected, according to the health department in Tamaulipas state, which includes Nuevo Laredo and other communities across the border from Texas… Read Full Article


Mexico braces for a surge in Coronavirus infections and deaths


Mexican officials warned Tuesday that the country is about to experience a major surge in coronavirus infections and deaths, as health professionals worried about overwhelmed hospitals, a prospective shortfall of doctors and a lack of medical equipment.

“We are prepared to confront the most difficult moment,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told reporters in an attempt to reassure the public. “We have the [hospital] beds, we have the equipment, we have the doctors.”

But others have questioned whether a long-neglected public healthcare system is ready for a rapid rise in demand. “I don’t trust the capacity of the hospitals,” said Alejandro Macias, an infectious disease… Read Full Article Here

Urgent call upon Governor Newsom to help Mexico respond to COVID-19 

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By Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President and CEO, The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc. ~ April 14, 2020

Given Governor Gavin Newsom’s commendable “Nation State” response to President Trump’s intransigence and failure to provide California with critical federal government assistance, the governor emerges as a novel international moral leader to abate the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Last week, during an interview on MSNBC, the Governor stated that he would use California’s massive purchasing power “as a nation-state” to secure the medical supplies that Trump’s government has failed to provide. In fact, the governor expressed that “California might even export some of those supplies to other states in need”. 

This is the fundamental reason why the California-Mexico Studies Center is calling upon Governor Newsom and California’s legislative leaders to immediately respond to Mexico’s emerging COVID-19 crisis, at our neighboring state of Baja California

Read Full Article Here

CMSC’s Letter to Governor Newsom

Read and download the letter here or click on the image below.

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Los Mexicanos en EE.UU son una prioridad para el gobierno de AMLO… ¿Cierto o mentira? 

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(El CMSC publicará comentarios sobre este artículo la semana próxima)

Por: Roberto Velasco Álvarez, Washington Post en Español – April 20, 2020

Los millones de mexicanos en Estados Unidos enfrentan una crisis histórica frente a la pandemia que se sigue propagando. Nuestra mano de obra continúa labrando los campos y exponiendo diariamente su salud para alimentar a esa nación. Nuestros connacionales, muchos indocumentados, ya resienten los estragos del coronavirus. El planeta atraviesa una profunda crisis, con duras consecuencias en Estados Unidos, y a los funcionarios públicos de México se nos exige una respuesta sin precedentes.

¿Qué plantea el Gobierno de México para proteger a los millones de mexicanos que viven al norte de nuestra frontera? Librar una batalla con todo nuestro aplomo… Leer Artículo Completo

U.S. factories in Mexico are still open. As the coronavirus spreads, workers are dying

By: Kate Linthicum, Wendy Fry, Gabriela Minjares, Los Angeles Times ~ April 19, 2020

Throughout March, even as business and manufacturing slowed to a halt across much of the world in an effort to contain the new coronavirus, work in foreign-owned factories in northern Mexico carried on as usual.

Hundreds of thousands of workers continued to toil side by side in Juarez, Tijuana and other border cities, churning out electronics, medical equipment and auto parts. Meanwhile, the virus was spreading. At a plant owned by Michigan-based Lear Corp. that makes textiles for automobile seats, workers began turning up at the on-site infirmary about a month ago with fevers and coughs… Read Full Article


Given that not all of us can take paid time off, and that we have limited health access for undocumented people, especially those detained, we are sharing the following resources: Read more about all resources available

CMSC initiative to provide mental health services to all immigrant communities

The CMSC’s initiative to create awareness about the need for immigrants’ mental health services is more critical than ever !!! This initiative intends to inform and educate the public regarding the psychological crisis affecting the immigrant population throughout the U.S., due to a pervasive state of fear generated by the Trump administration since coming into office in 2017, the targeted acts of violence as the August 3, 2019 El Paso, Texas mass shooting at a Walt Mart store, and the hate-crimes aimed against immigrants, Mexicans and Latinos.

Please watch this short explainer video about our initiative, available in English and SpanishLearn more here

The CMSC is in dire need of funding support !!!

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Please support the CMSC’s 2020 projects, initiatives, and campaigns, including our advocacy to provide and facilitate immigrants’ mental health services, our National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole the Help Mexico Abate COVID-19 and the Ethnic Studies for All initiatives. 


Read full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/1db1571b1d46/dreamers-help-save-covid-19-victims-and-thecmsc-calls-upon-governor-newsom-to-help-mexico-with-the-pandemic

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