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The CMSC honors all of the women who inspire us and motivate us to continue fighting. To our mothers, wives, sisters, friends and to those we look up to every day. Viva la mujer!
Congressmen and senators press for travel permits for Dreamers
Link to Alan Lowenthal’s Congress letter
Link to Kamala Harris’ Senate Letter
They demand that the authorization of international trips be reopened for reasons of emergency, study or employment, and they want details of the change of policy…
Around 66 federal lawmakers have signed letters to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, to urgently call upon the government to restore the ability of Dreamers to travel abroad.
The letter from Congressman Alan Lowenthal, signed by 46 members of Congress, asks DHS that the beneficiaries of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) receive a permit to travel out of the country (advance parole) while litigation continues in the courts to define the future of the program that has benefited more than 800,000 young people with a work permit and avoids their deportation.
The DACA program was approved by President Obama in the summer of 2012, but in September of 2017, President Trump canceled it. Before the cancellation, the beneficiaries were allowed to request permission to travel outside the country.
Para leer este articulo en español, haga clic aqui
Congresistas piden al gobierno Trump restablecer permiso de viaje al extranjero para los beneficiarios de DACA
Por: Jaime Garcia~Univision~ 4 Marzo 2019
Más de medio centenar de legisladores han firmado dos cartas urgiendo a la secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, Kirstjen Nielsen, restablecer los permisos de ‘Advance Parole’ para razones humanitarias, trabajo o educación. Estas autorizaciones fueron canceladas con la anulación del programa DACA ordenada por el presidente Trump y pese a que una corte federal impidió la terminación del programa el bloqueo a los viajes continúa.
Mayra Garibo remains hopeful for approval of her Advance Parole appeal as her ill grandparents wait
Mayra Garibo’s case is still pending approval for her request of a humanitarian Advance Parole permit, after her father’s death in January of 2018.
Plan de Santa Barbara 50th Anniversary Conference at UCSB Highlights
El Plan de Santa Barbara will continue to live as a historical blueprint that served as the model for the inception of Chicano Studies programs in colleges and universities throughout the U.S., and collectively written from the conference held at the University of California Santa Barbara in April 1969 by Chicano faculty, staff and students.
Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole Please help us continue our work towards
Please help us continue our work towards restoring Advance Parole for DACA recipients!
We plan to return to Washington D.C. with a delegation of 50 Dreamers for a legislative hearing on the importance of Advance Parole for DACA recipients during Spring 2019.
- Sign our campaign petition
- Engage: Spread the word and share our call to reinstate Advance Parole for DACA recipients with your networks.
- Participate: If you are in the D.C. area or have friends who do, we encourage you to spread the word about Advance Parole for DACA recipients.
DONATE HERE: to help us continue to expand the Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole, and continue to bring more Dreamers to advocate in Washington, D.C. Learn more about our campaign here.
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