By The NY Times ~ March 14, 2018

Students chanted “No more violence,” held signs asking “Are we next?” and drew attention across the country Wednesday as they protested gun violence in the wake of a recent mass shooting in South Florida. Here are some compelling photos of the demonstrations, from Chicago to Washington to outside Denver. (Read more about the protests, too.)
Where the Protests Took Place


New York City

Parkland, Fla.

Columbine, Colo.




How the Students Protested
They gathered inside and outside their schools, and in gyms and hallways and on football fields. Many honored the Parkland victims with such gestures as standing 17 in a row, holding up photos or setting up 17 empty desks. Some laid on the ground as part of a “die-in.” Others used their bodies to spell out messages.
Honoring the 17 Killed in Parkland

Creating Messages That Could Be Seen From Above

Marching to State Capitols

Participating in ‘Die-Ins’

Standing in Silence, Arm in Arm

Source: The NY Times ~ March 14, 2018