The CMSC advocates for AMLO to plea for Trump to free all detained minors, re-open DACA and a COVID-19 plan for the Americas 

California-Mexico Studies Center

Since Mexico’s president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has agreed to visit Donald Trump, despite the advice from several prominent figures and the loud opposition from the 40 million Mexicans that reside in the U.S., the CMSC has officially requested for him and Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard in a letter today, to advocate for the following agreements during their meeting:

  1. That president Trump follows the Supreme Court’s order to release all immigrant minors detained by the U.S. and the reunification with their parents in the U.S. immediately;
  2. That president Trump follows the Supreme Court’s order to re-establish the DACA program, allowing for thousands of eligible applicants that have been denied DACA protection since September 5, 2017, and to approve Advance Parole travel authorization for Dreamers to study abroad, for employment opportunities and expedited approval for humanitarian reasons when relatives are critically ill or facing imminent death. After 2 weeks since the court’s order, Trump and USCIS officials continue threaten another attempt to kill the DACA program and to defy the June 18, 2020 Supreme Court order.
  3. That both presidents reverse their inept response to the Coronavirus crisis and exercise leadership by agreeing to establish a long-term continental plan to abate the COVID-19 pandemic, in collaboration with all nations in the Americas.

Both presidents have a chance to make this questionable meeting more than a political photo-opportunity by addressing key policy issues of great importance.

Professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos

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