Trump’s fingerprints are scorched in the COVID-19 crisis and U.S. uprisings against police abuse – Newsletter 6/2/2020

California-Mexico Studies Center

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Biden Condemns Trump’s Protest Response

By: Scott Detrow and Barbara Sprunt, NPR – June 2, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden condemned both police violence and President Trump’s increasingly confrontational response to widespread unrest in a Tuesday morning speech delivered at Philadelphia City Hall.

“When peaceful protesters are dispersed by the order of the president from the doorstep of the people’s house, the White House — using tear gas and flash grenades — in order to stage a photo op at a noble church, we can be forgiven for believing that the president is more interested in power than in principle,” Biden said. “More interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care. For that’s what the presidency is: the duty to care — to care for all of us.”

On Monday evening, Trump walked from the White House across Lafayette Square to hold a Bible in front of St. John’s Church, after peaceful protesters were forcibly cleared from the park. (The U.S. Park Police say they used smoke canisters, not tear gas, though it’s not clear if another law enforcement agency engaged there used other munitions.)

The forceful dispersal began before the Washington, D.C., curfew had begun, and the bishop overseeing the church has harshly criticized Trump for appearing for photos without praying or addressing the racial issues at the heart of nationwide protests…. Read Full Article Here


Dinero de migrantes: “Salvando a Mexico” en plena pandemia 

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Por: Gardenia Mendoza ~ La Opinion ~ 26 de Mayo, 2020

Diana Godínez limpia casas desde hace años en Estados Unidos para gente totalmente tecnologizada , acostumbrada a comprar todo en línea, esa misma que no dudó en encerrarse apenas se vio amenazada por el coronavirus y pasó de largo por los servicios de esta mexicana oriunda de la capital.

Al comienzo de la pandemia, Diana Godínez, de 38 años, tenía cinco clientes; ahora, sólo se ocupa dos días a la semana. Su ingreso se redujo a menos de la mitad de un momento a otro y se quedó a la par con tres niños por sostener, cuentas por pagar, la angustia permanente del COVID-19 y una promesa firme: enviar dinero a su madre que vive en Oaxaca.

“Trato de mandar unos 200 dólares cada 20 días”. Diana Godínez mira fríamente las dos realidades en las que se encuentra y concluye que “no es mucha” plata desde la perspectiva estadounidense, pero en México significa la diferencia entre la miseria y la dignidad. La madre y el padrastro viven de un pequeño negocio de refacciones cuyas ganancias son muy limitadas y los gastos son altos: a los 80 años, él tiene un pulmón malo. Leer el articulo completo aquí


Migrants’ Money is “Saving Mexico” in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic 

By: Gardenia Mendoza | May 26, 2020

MEXICO – Diana Godínez has been cleaning houses for years in the United States for fully technological people, accustomed to buying everything online, the same one who did not hesitate to lock herself up as soon as she was threatened by the coronavirus and passed by the services of this Mexican native of the capital.

At the start of the pandemic, Diana Godínez , 38, had five clients; now, it only takes up two days a week. Her income dropped to less than half from one moment to the next and she was left on par with three children to support, accounts payable, the permanent anguish of COVID-19 and a firm promise: to send money to her mother who lives in Oaxaca… Read Full Article Here 


In Tijuana, paramedics uncover a hidden death toll not captured in COVID-19 statistics 

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By: Katie Linthicum, Patrick J. Mcdonnell~ Los Angeles Times ~ May 21, 2020

Researchers who reviewed emergency response records in Tijuana have discovered scores of possible coronavirus deaths that never made it into official statistics.

Over four weeks in April and May, paramedics encountered 329 people who died in their homes or in ambulances — more than twice the number that would be expected based on data from recent years.

Over the same period, the Mexican government reported just eight official COVID-19 deaths in Tijuana that occurred outside hospitals.

The study — which was published online this week by researchers at UCLA, Mexico’s Red Cross and several other institutions and has not been peer-reviewed — suggests the country may be missing large numbers of coronavirus victims in its official counts…  Read Full article here 


Saturación de hospitales en América Latina 

Por: Reforma ~ 19 de Mayo, 2020

El nuevo coronavirus está poniendo a prueba los precarios sistemas sanitarios de América Latina, al punto que muchos países registran una alta saturación hospitalaria.

Perú registra una acelerada expansión del coronavirus, cuyos infectados coparon 806 de las mil 2 camas de cuidados intensivos disponibles, por lo que el Presidente Martín Vizcarra anunció que se pueden agregar 232 nuevas camas.

Pero Pilar Mazzetti, jefa del Comando Covid- 19, que coordina la respuesta estatal a la pandemia, destacó la gravedad del asunto.

“¡Esta es una guerra!”, expresó. Perú tiene unos 95 mil casos y más de 2 mil 700 muertos, lo que lo ubica en el puesto 12 del mundo en diagnósticos confirmados de la… Leer articulo aquí 


California border hospitals hit surge in COVID-19 cases from Mexico 

By: Steve Gorman ~ Reuters ~ May 19, 2020

The only two hospitals in Southern California’s rural Imperial County were forced to close their doors to new coronavirus patients on Tuesday, after admitting scores believed stricken with the virus from across the border in Mexico, officials said.

The surge in patients consisted of U.S. citizens who live in Mexicali, capital of the Mexican state of Baja California, and were turned away from hospitals overrun with coronavirus cases there, said Dr. Adolphe Edward, chief executive officer of the El Centro Regional Medical Center.

Edward said his 161-bed hospital in El Centro, the main city in Imperial County about 100 miles (160 km) east of San Diego, ended up with 65 COVID-19-positive patients from Monday night’s influx, while the 106-bed Pioneers Memorial Hospital in nearby Brawley admitted 28.

“Our numbers just skyrocketed last night,” Edward said on his hospital’s Facebook page. Read Full article here 


La historia del abuelo de Trump: Inmigrante, deportado, y víctima de la pandemia española

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Por: Jorge Morales Almada ~ La Opinion ~ 24 de Mayo, 2020

Ni la muerte de su abuelo en la pandemia de 1918 habría sensibilizado al presidente Trump sobre los casi 100,000 muertos que ha dejado el coronavirus en el país.

La historia de Frederick Trump, un inmigrante que llegó a Estados Unidos en 1885 a la edad de 16 años procedente de Alemania, que fue deportado de su propia patria por no cumplir con el servicio militar y que murió víctima de la gripe española en 1918, es el reflejo de lo que hoy en día su nieto parece menospreciar: la vida del inmigrante, la muerte en la pandemia.

Es la historia del abuelo del presidente Donald Trump que como inmigrante logró salir adelante en este país hasta fundar un imperio inmobiliario que muchos años después el nieto cómodamente… Leer el articulo completo


Op-ed: Is the Republican Party poised for a comeback with Latinos?

By: Geraldo Cadava ~ Los Angeles Times ~ May 25, 2020

Mike Garcia, who recently won a special election for California’s 25th Congressional District seat, is a self-described “first-generation Hispanic American,” whose father immigrated with his family from Mexico. He is also a Republican. And while that fact puts him out of step with many California Hispanics, he isn’t as much of an outlier as you might think.

California is a blue state, and Latinos in the state skew Democratic, too. But in 2016, according to CNN exit polling, 24% of the approximately 3 million Latinos who voted in California cast ballots for President Trump. And while only about 15% of the state’s Hispanic voters are registered Republicans, nearly a third of California Latinos say they are conservative, and another 30% describe themselves as moderate.

Garcia, a U.S. Naval Academy alum, former fighter pilot and Raytheon executive, holds positions in line with many conservatives. He supports construction of a border wall, believes in a strong national defense and wants to stem the “push for socialism in our country.” Read full article here 


CMSC-CHRCL to file class-action lawsuit against US Dept. of Education & Secretary Betsy DeVos

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The California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) is working with the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CHRCL) to file a potential class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education and Secretary Betsy DeVos’ discriminatory exclusion of DACA, TPS, and other immigrant students from the CARES Act benefits for colleges and universities. While the bill does not reflect the exclusion of undocumented students currently enrolled in a higher education institution, the department determined that this population would not be eligible.

Thus, we are calling upon DACA / TPS recipients and Asylum seekers that were denied this benefit to become plaintiffs to file the lawsuit along with the CMSC and CHRCL. We are also calling upon organizations that want to get involved as plaintiffs.

To sign up as an individual, fill out this form: 

To sign up as an organization, fill out this form:

Please share these forms and invite others to apply!

Feel free to contact me and/or Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos if you have any questions (562) 430-5541


“Nos Volveremos a Ver” by Antonio Pérez “El Che”




Cuba credits two drugs with slashing Coronavirus death toll 

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By: Sarah Marsh ~ Reuters ~ May 22, 2020

HAVANA (Reuters) – Communist-run Cuba said this week that use of two drugs produced by its biotech industry that reduce hyper-inflammation in seriously ill COVID-19 patients has sharply curbed its coronavirus-related death toll.

Health authorities have reported just two virus-related deaths over the past nine days among more than 200 active cases on the Caribbean’s largest island, a sign they may have the worst of the outbreak under… Read Full Article here 


Trump Administration changes rules for migrant children during pandemic 

By: Michelle Hackman, Alejandro Lazo, Alicia A. Caldwell ~ The Wall Street Journal ~ May 22, 2020

The Trump administration is reversing longstanding policies on the treatment of children and families who come into the U.S. illegally, citing laws and court rulings related to the coronavirus pandemic as reasons for changes it has long sought. The government has in recent weeks returned minors who cross the border alone to their home countries faster than before—sometimes in a matter of hours. It has also begun making parents decide whether their children should be released or held with them indefinitely in immigration.. Read Full Article here


Urgent call upon Governor Newsom to help Mexico respond to COVID-19 

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By Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, President and CEO

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc. ~ April 14, 2020

Given Governor Gavin Newsom’s commendable “Nation State” response to President Trump’s intransigence and failure to provide California with critical federal government assistance, the governor emerges as a novel international moral leader to abate the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Last week, during an interview on MSNBC, the Governor stated that he would use California’s massive purchasing power “as a nation-state” to secure the medical supplies that Trump’s government has failed to provide. In fact, the governor expressed that “California might even export some of those supplies to other states in need”. 

This is the fundamental reason why the California-Mexico Studies Center is calling upon Governor Newsom and California’s legislative leaders to immediately respond to Mexico’s emerging COVID-19 crisis, at our neighboring state of Baja California… Read Full Article Here

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Save the date!

The “International Seminar on Chicano Studies: Politics and Collaboration between California-Mexico and Los Angeles-Mexico City” has been postponed to January 11-12, 2021. The seminar will take place in Mexico City’s Congress. The CMSC will provide more information and any updates as we confirm them.

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If you don’t understand the protests, what you’re seeing is people pushed to the edge

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Photo by: Dan Winters for The New York Times


What was your first reaction when you saw the video of the white cop kneeling on George Floyd’s neck while Floyd croaked, “I can’t breathe”?

If you’re white, you probably muttered a horrified, “Oh, my God” while shaking your head at the cruel injustice. If you’re black, you probably leapt to your feet, cursed, maybe threw something (certainly wanted to throw something), while shouting, “Not @#$%! again!” Then you remember the two white vigilantes accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery as he jogged through their neighborhood in February, and how if it wasn’t for that video emerging a few weeks ago, they would have gotten away with it. And how those Minneapolis cops claimed Floyd was resisting arrest but a store’s video showed he wasn’t. And how the cop on Floyd’s neck wasn’t an enraged redneck stereotype, but a sworn officer who looked calm and entitled and devoid of pity… Read Full Article Here


La solidaridad de la diáspora Mexicana en tiempos de la pandemia y su abandono de la 4T

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Por: Dr. Gonzalo Santos – 5/26/20

Las y los migrantes mexicanos en EE.UU., que se las están viendo muchísimo más duro ahorita que antes de la pandemia (de por sí muy mal con Trump), han aumentado el envío de remesas a sus seres queridos. También están redoblado los apoyos colectivos que envían para atender casos de emergencia en sus comunidades de origen. Todo esto está bien relatado en este excelente reportaje de Gardenia Mendoza Aguilar.

Brillan los paisanos mexicanos en EE.UU. como ejemplo y lección de la solidaridad humana más pura y duradera, mandando lo poquito que tienen sin esperar otra recompensa que sostener el bienestar de sus familias y sus comunidades.

Desgraciadamente no están recibiendo de parte del gobierno mexicano ningún apoyo ni reciprocidad ante los incesantes y crueles ataques por parte de la odiosa y xenófoba administración Trump, que está ensañada contra los migrantes, especialmente los mexicanos… Leer Artículo Completo


In Mexico, ‘Roma’ Lit a Fire for Workers’ Rights

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Photo by: Richard Shotwell for Invision/AP/REX

By: Yalitza Aparicio ~ The New York Times ~ May 23, 2020

I never thought that a movie alone could prompt social awareness and change. But when the director Alfonso Cuarón released his film “Roma” in 2018, with me in the lead role, that’s exactly what happened. Suddenly people in my home country of Mexico were talking about issues that have long been taboo here — racism, discrimination toward Indigenous communities and especially the rights of domestic workers, a group that has been historically disenfranchised in Mexican society.

In fact, it was my involvement in this film that led me to better appreciate the importance of art.

Art sheds light on the urgent, necessary and at times painful issues that are not always easy to approach because we as a society have not been able to figure them out. Art lays bare our brutal reality — a reality that is complex, diverse and often unfair — but it also presents us with the amazing opportunity to give voice to the unheard, and visibility to the unseen… Read Full Article


The CMSC is in dire need of funding support !!!

Please support the CMSC’s 2020 projects, initiatives, and campaigns, including our advocacy to provide and facilitate immigrants’ mental health services, our National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole the Help Mexico Abate COVID-19, the Ethnic Studies for All and the Chicano Studies in Mexico initiatives. 



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