As you may already know, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) and the California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) will host an international seminar on November 17 and 18, 2016 at the COLEF campus in Tijuana, Mexico; to address the prospects and policy agenda for the 60-million U.S. Latino population, in the aftermath of the U.S. presidential election. The seminar will focus upon issues pertaining to comprehensive immigration reform and the threat of massive deportations under a Trump presidency, the plight of Dreamers on both sides of the border, the role of higher education institutions relative to policy studies and research, and other topics regarding immigration between both nations such as U.S. citizen children exiled in Mexico and Central America, and deported veterans and mothers of U.S. citizens.
Goal of the Seminar:
- Hermandad Mexicana Humanitarian Foundation, Santa Ana, California
- Comunidad Interdisciplinaria de Estudios Migratorios (CIEM)
- Casa de las Américas, Programa de Estudios sobre Latinos en EEUU,
- Centro Tlahuica de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural (CETLALIC), México
- Seminario Permanente de Estudios Chicanos y de Fronteras (SPECHF)
- Coordinadora Nacional de Inmigración 2016, Chicago, Illinois
- Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA)
- Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración, A.C. (IMUMI)
- Border Angels – Angeles de la Frontera
Seminar Schedule Overview:
Day 1, Thursday Nov. 17, 2016: Full Seminar Program
- Seminar program starts from 9 am to 5 pm at COLEF
- Complimentary lunch will be provided
Day 2, Friday Nov. 18, 2016: Field Research and Guided visits (optional)
Field research and guided visits to La Casa del Migrante en Tijuana, The Bunker Center for Deported U.S. Military Veterans, and the U.S.-Mexico border at playas de Tijuana.
Click here to Download the Seminar Program to see full details of the program. If you would like to attend the seminar, please register on the following button:
Seminario internacional sobre migración y política pública: Retos que enfrentarán los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos y México en 2017
Este seminario busca fomentar el diálogo y la discusión binacional entre México y Estados Unidos, acerca de temas específicos de la migración (Dreamers en ambos lados de la frontera, niñez migrante, veteranos y madres deportadas), privilegiando la interacción entre migrantes, académicos y políticos de ambos países.
Para más información sobre el seminario, favor de visitar la pagina oficial de COLEF – El Colegio de la Frontera Norte en donde también podrás ver el seminario en vivo éste Jueves Noviembre 17, 2016.
Breaking Fronteras: Undocu5k
First #5k run for CSU undocumented student scholarships
The Latino Student Union (LSU) at California State University Long Beach will be hosting “Breaking Fronteras: Undocu5k“, the first 5k event at the CSU system aimed to fundraise money for scholarships for undocumented students throughout the CSU System.
The Undocu5k event will take place on Saturday November 19, 2016 near the Walter Pyramid at CSULB. The event will be from 8am to 2pm, but check-in will begin at 7 am. Moreover, t he event will be full of testimonies from undocumented students who have come out of the shadows. Also, there will be a live band and dance performances, and local vendors.