We demand Trump to restore DACA and follow the Supreme Court’s decision, or face contempt of court consequences – Newsletter 7/23/2020

California-Mexico Studies Center

Read full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/725856f2aefa/we-demand-trump-to-restore-daca-and-follow-the-supreme-courts-decision-or-face-contempt-of-court-consequences

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Trump administration rejects new DACA applications 


President Trump is venturing onto increasingly shaky legal ground as officials reject new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, sidestepping a Supreme Court ruling reinstating DACA, legal experts and lawmakers say.

The court ruled last month that the Trump administration hadn’t followed federal procedural law or justified terminating DACA in 2017, calling the rescission “arbitrary and capricious.”

DACA grants protection from deportation to so-called Dreamers brought to the United States as children. The Obama-era program, which has bipartisan support, has given temporary relief to some 700,000 young immigrants, with nearly 200,000 DACA recipients in California… Read Full Article Here


The CMSC invites all Dreamers to join our new Winter 2020 Study Abroad Program 

The CMSC is pleased to announce our new Winter 2020 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program for DACA recipients, which may enable Dreamers to return to their birthplace for the first time since they migrated to the U.S. as minors.

This opportunity is made possible by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on June 8, 2020, which ordered the federal government to restore the DACA program as originally established in 2012.

While there’s no guarantee that the Trump administration will honor the court’s decision and instead attempt again to eliminate the DACA program, we have decided to re-launch our study abroad program because USCIS refused to process over 75 Advance Parole applications 3 years ago for our Winter 2017 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program. Many of those Dreamers whose hopes were dashed by USCIS’ capricious and discriminatory decision will apply again, but now with the blessing of the Supreme Court’s ruling. 

The CMSC will welcome applications from Dreamers interested in this opportunity from anywhere in the U.S., but only until July 31, 2020 in order to file applications for Educational Advance Parole as soon as possible, and to allow USCIS up to 5 months for processing.

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Senators Demand for Trump to Open DACA for New Applications and Advance Parole

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Read Full Letter Here



In case you missed it, you can now watch our Facebook Live information session from July 22, 2020, in which we answered questions, comments and concerns about our CMD Winter 2020 program. You can watch it on our Facebook Page or our Youtube Channel.


Maryland Federal Court Orders the Trump Administration to accept new DACA applications 

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By: Joel Rose ~ NPR ~ July 17, 2020

A federal court has ordered the Trump administration to begin accepting new applications to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children from deportation.

As NPR reported earlier this week, the Trump administration has not been accepting new applicants even after the Supreme Court ruled last month that the administration didn’t go about ending the program correctly. The administration has only been processing DACA renewals.

“This means that the administration not only must continue protections for current recipients, but that that it must also accept new applications,” said Ali Noorani, president and CEO of the National Immigration Forum. “Ignoring this decision puts the administration directly at odds with the rule of law, and leaves DREAMers steeped in even more uncertainty about… Read Full Article Here 


The Maryland Federal Court Order on DACA

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Click Here to Read Full Order


Un juez federal ordena a la administración de Trump que acepte nuevas solicitudes de DACA

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Por: EFE ~ La Opinion ~ 17 de Julio, 2020

El juez Paul Grimm recordó en su fallo que el programa “queda restaurado a como estaba” antes

WASHINGTON – Un juez federal en Maryland ordenó este viernes al gobierno del presidente Donald Trump, que reanude la recepción de solicitudes y la extensión de permisos del programa DACA, que protege a miles de jóvenes indocumentados, casi un mes después de un fallo del Tribunal Supremo que calificó de “arbitraria y caprichosa” su cancelación.

En su dictamen de cuatro páginas, el juez Paul Grimm volvió a describir como “arbitraria y caprichosa” la terminación de DACA decretada por Trump en septiembre de 2017 y añadió que tras el fallo del Supremo del 18 de junio el programa “queda restaurado a como estaba” antes de la cancelación.

El juez prohibió al gobierno y sus agentes que apliquen o pongan en práctica la rescisión del DACA y “que tomen alguna otra acción para rescindir el DACA que no esté en cumplimiento… Leer Artículo Completo




Mandated Ethnic Studies Legislation vs. CSU-Imposed Social Justice Sham 

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By Prof. Gonzalo Santos, July 22, 2020

After the CSU Academic Senates (systemwide and campus-by-campus) and the CSU Board of Trustees both dragged their feet for decades, especially in the past 5 years of active mobilization by faculty and students of color in the system and in major campuses to approve and implement a mandatory ethnic studies requirement, progressive and legislators of color introduced AB 1460, a bill that would mandate such a requirement.

So as not to dilute the requirement – as usually has happened with “Diversity” and “Social Justice” requirements – the bill specifically calls for all students to take one 3-credit course to graduate focused on Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans and Latina and Latino Americans.

There has been for years resistance to the idea in general by the system’s academic and administrative bureaucracy – though it has been resolutely championed by the systemwide faculty union, CFA – of which I am a proud member and by most student bodies. But when it seemed that the requirement was inevitable or imminent, the institutional resistance has yielded and the tactic of blocking has switched to diluting and broadening the requirement to include any course on gender studies, LGBTQ studies, and other topics deemed part of a curriculum of “Social Justice”… Read full article here

Contact Governor Newsom to sign AB-1460

(916) 445-2841 / @CAGovernor / Website


California State University students required to take ethnic studies or social justice class under new policy

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By: MICHAEL BURKEEdSource – July 22, 2020

Students at California State University for the first time will be required to take a course in ethnic studies or a class with a social justice component under a policy approved Wednesday by the system’s Board of Trustees. 

The trustees voted 13-5 to approve the new general education requirement for students who enter the 23-campus system beginning in 2023-24. Students will be required to either take a class in one of four ethnic studies disciplines — Native American studies, African American studies, Asian American studies or Latina and Latino studies — or a class in another discipline as long as the course has a social justice component. It will be up to each of the campuses to determine which courses meet the requirement.

The new requirement is opposed by several lawmakers and the California Faculty Association, who instead favor AB 1460, legislation that would impose a stricter ethnic studies requirement. Under that law, students beginning with those entering the system in 2021-22 would be required to take a class in one of the four ethnic studies disciplines and couldn’t satisfy the requirement with a course outside of those disciplines… Read full article here




Trump edits the census results to eliminate counting undocumented immigrants

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By THE TIMES EDITORIAL BOARDLos Angeles Times – JULY 21, 2020

An old Ronald Reagan campaign debate line against President Carter came to mind Tuesday morning after President Trump issued yet another presidential decree that flouts the U.S. Constitution: “There you go again.”

This time, the president — who earlier failed in his effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census — signed a memorandum announcing a new gambit to remove from the census figures people living in the United States without permission. In particular, Trump wants to exclude them from the numbers used to determine how many seats in Congress each state will have for the next 10 years.

It’s a blatant attempt to subvert the constitutional requirement that the census conduct “an actual enumeration” of the “whole number of free persons” in the U.S. There have been legislative and regulatory tweaks over the years to accommodate unusual situations — omitting, say, foreign diplomats and their families in the country at the time of the count — but there is nothing in the Constitution that says people must be citizens to be counted for purposes of reapportionment… Read Full Article Here


In memoriam: The humbling experience of Legendary Congressman John Lewis 

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By: Los Angeles Times ~ July 18, 2020

Few life stories are as humbling as that of John Lewis, a civil rights icon and longtime Democratic congressman from Georgia who died Friday at age 80. Hoping to provoke this country to renounce the oppressive discrimination against Black Americans, he walked into certain confrontations with racist cops, Ku Klux Klansmen, hate-spewing citizens and unjust institutions, unarmed and armored only with the nobility of his cause. And even after being beaten, jailed and threatened with worse, he did it again and again, determined to stay on the path of nonviolence and prove that hate could be overcome by love.

Who has that kind of courage? Who is so steadfastly principled?

Lewis was famed for many things he did in his younger days — he was one of the original Freedom Riders who put their lives on the line defending the integration of public buses; as the 23-year-old leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, he gave a fiery call to action at the famed 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom… Read Full Article Here


Mount Rushmore: A Relic of Manifest Destiny

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By: Dr. Frank Garcia Berumen

President Trump’s decision to have his Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore Memorial, in the Black Hills, South Dakota is another example of the Euro-American amnesia regarding Native American genocide.

The giant statutes at Mount Rushmore were built between 1927 and 1941. The sculptor was Gutzon Borglum, who was a member of the infamous Ku Klux Klan. Gutzon was one of the six knights who sat on the Imperial Koncilium in 1923. Borglum, the elder, was assisted in his artistic endeavors by his son Lincoln Borglum, who apparently did not share his father’s racial beliefs.

No human being is perfect, not the great men or the common man. All have flaws and contradictions of morality and character. However, there are several issues that challenge the human beings to oppose deeds and behavior that are reprehensible and wrong. History has documented the examples of many men and women, who took the courageous course… Read Full Article Here


Aftermath of AMLO’s Meeting with Trump


Pega Covid-19 a parientes de López Obrador

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Por: Reforma ~ 21 de Julio, 2020

Úrsula Mojica Obrador, prima hermana del Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, se encuentra internada en una clínica del ISSSTE, en Tampico, Tamaulipas, tras contagiarse de Covid-19. Fuentes cercanas a la familia informaron que se encuentra grave, pero estable y bajo permanente supervisión médica.

Hace apenas unos días, Mojica Obrador perdió a su esposo Roberto Salazar y a su hijo Roberto Salazar Mojica, quienes fallecieron tras presentar cuadros de gravedad por el virus SARS-CoV-2. La prima del Presidente ha participado activamente en las campañas electorales y en los movimientos encabezados por López Obrador… Leer Más


36 Horas de AMLO en Washington, DC

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Por: Dolia Estevez ~ Sinembargo ~ Julio 13, 2020

Los presidentes Andrés Manuel López ObradorDonald Trump no tuvieron el encuentro bilateral a solas en la Oficina Oval que anticipó el itinerario oficial el miércoles pasado.

Los 30 minutos reservados para la entrevista privada entre los dos, a última hora se volvió reunión múltiple con secretarios y embajadores. Terminó en una charla coloquial en la que hablaron de béisbol, golf y de la salud de un mandatario latinoamericano. Fue el “icebreaker”.

Por lo demás, el itinerario se ajustó al guión y a la acotada agenda negociados por los dos gobiernos. Por razones de seguridad y protocolos sanitarios los movimientos del visitante se limitaron entre el lugar de hospedaje y la Casa Blanca, con la excepción de los monumentos… Leer Mas 


El jonrón y el fuera de base 

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Por: Profe. Gonzalo Santos ~ 10/07/2020

Los mexicanos en Estados Unidos vimos que en el encuentro entre los presidentes de México y Estados Unidos ambos sumaron puntos a sus agendas personales y lo demás siguió igual o peor… 

BAKERSFIELD.- Trump se comportó con mucha cordialidad y elogios, no solo hacia AMLO, sino hacia el pueblo de México y su diáspora étnica/migrante en Estados Unidos – en un discurso tan azucarado como falso. Lo repitió en un evento con líderes latinos republicanos, con tintes claramente electoreros, sin mencionar que acaba de emitir nuevas regulaciones para boquear aun más toda solicitud de asilo en la frontera con México, y que está a punto de intentar de nuevo abolir el programa DACA que protege a casi un millón de Soñadores (80% mexicanos). Y vienen más ataques… Leer Mas 



We would like to take this opportunity to thank NextGen America for their cornerstone donation in helping us bring about the Winter 2020 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program 

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Read full newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/725856f2aefa/we-demand-trump-to-restore-daca-and-follow-the-supreme-courts-decision-or-face-contempt-of-court-consequences

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