Testimonials – Carlos Rene Castro

El Magonista

Past Participants Praise of the CMSC’s Independent Dreamer Study Abroad Program

Courtesy of Carlos Rene Castro – Alumni | LinkenIn | NOV. 24, 2023 | Photo Courtesy of Carlos Rene Castro

After 20 years, I am finally home.

About a week ago, on November 15, 2023, I arrived at Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to embark on an independent study travel trip for a month and a half. In 2003, My parents and I immigrated to the United States from Honduras to pursue The American Dream, and we haven’t been back since.

As a Dreamer, visiting my home country seemed impossible. However, thanks to organizations like California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc, who help countless Dreamers obtain proper documentation to leave and return to the States, I am blessed to be back in my home country, explore my culture, and reconnect with my roots.

Since arriving in Honduras, I’ve reencountered with family members, visited my father’s elementary school and childhood home, visited the city I was born in, ate a bunch of delicious Honduran food, went to a Honduras vs. Mexico soccer game in Honduras’s capital city, Tegucigalpa, and much more!

As a journalist and photographer, I am excited to see where this opportunity and experience will lead me post-graduation in May 2024. I am in the process of applying for graduate journalism programs and government fellowships to advance my young professional career further. As my time in Honduras continues, I will share more of my experiences with you all. Sí, se puede!

CMSC’s Response:

Dear Carlos,
Thank you for giving us the recognition and appreciation for providing you this opportunity, which will enable your adjustment of status upon re-entering the United States because you will erase the prior undocumented entry when you were brought to the United States. For me, it is the the greatest satisfaction to read comments and testimonials about how our program has helped you, as truly a new chapter in your life, which I trust that you will maximize and be legalized to become a US citizen in the next chapter of your career in journalism and as a college professor.

El Profe Armando, President and Founder
California-Mexico Studies Center

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