Senate unanimously passes DACA-related bill to help ‘Dreamers’

El Magonista
Originally Published By Tacoma Weekly | JAN. 17, 2024 | Photo By Johnathan Ernst

Nearly a decade after the Republican-led Senate Majority Coalition Caucus unveiled its REAL Hope Act to support education opportunities for Washington’s “Dreamers” – people who were brought into the United States illegally as minors – the Senate today unanimously passed a measure by state Sen. Nikki Torres, intended to better serve these young people.

“Washington ranks among the top ten states for DACA recipients,” said Torres, R-Pasco. “These Dreamers are people who went to school with our children. They played on the same softball teams, attended the same church services, and volunteered at the same food kitchens and shelters.

“This bill simply takes steps to make sure that they can easily access the resources and tools they need to achieve the American dream.”

Senate Bill 5631 would require state agencies to clearly identify programs and services that accept applicants with federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) status. 

“This information may be warehoused on some government website, somewhere, but why not include it in an easily accessible location on the website of the relevant agency?” Torres asked. “If a DACA-eligible individual is looking for the requirements to obtain a driver’s license, the relevant information should be on the Department of Licensing website.”

Torres said no one should be surprised to see a Republican sponsoring a bill to support DACA-eligible Dreamers, pointing to the history of support for Dreamers in Washington.

“When in the majority, Senate Republicans led the way towards giving Dreamers real hope,” said Torres, referring the Republican-led passage of the REAL Hope Act in 2014. The law provided $5 million for college financial-aid programs for immigrant students – enough to finance college-need grants for some 800 to 1,200 students. Senate Bill 6523 was adopted with broad bipartisan support after similar, but unfunded, proposals from House Democrats failed in 2012 and 2013.  

“Many of my Republican colleagues and I are from rural central Washington districts,” said Torres. “We know these are good people, deserving of hope and opportunity, because we know them. They are our neighbors, friends and family.”

SB 5631, which passed the Senate with a vote of 47-0, now heads to the House of Representatives for its consideration. Torres urged action on the bill.

“I’m a first-generation American; both my parents were born in Mexico and came to this country – and this state – in search of their American dream,” said Torres, the first Latina senator elected to represent a central Washington district. “My parents finally became proud United States citizens thanks to President Reagan’s amnesty program.

“Republicans know what an exceptional nation this is. We know this is that shining city on a hill – a beacon of liberty and the place where dreams can come true. I hope my colleagues in the House will take up this bill without delay and help those seeking their American dream today.”

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