Congressman Lowenthal To Hold Panel With DACA Recipients on Critical Importance of Advance Parole Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019

California-Mexico Studies Center


Congressman Lowenthal To Hold Panel With DACA Recipients on Critical Importance of Advance Parole

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 11, 2019) – Congressman Alan Lowenthal will host a Capitol Hill seminar on January 15, 2019 that will feature more than a half-dozen Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients talking on the critical importance of renewing advance parole for DACA recipients. These individuals have traveled to Washington to deliver a petition to Congressional Leaders urging them to push for the restoration of advance parole for DACA recipients.

Advance Parole is a determination from DHS that can be used by undocumented immigrants to temporarily travel outside the U.S. and return without penalty. Obtaining this status allowed Dreamers to pursue employment that required foreign travel, to visit family and loved ones suffering from illness, and to participate in educational programs abroad. However, the Trump Administration’s order to rescind the DACA program in 2017 halted the approval of advance parole for Dreamers.

The seminar will be led by Armando Vazquez-Ramos, the President and CEO of the California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc. The visiting DACA recipients will share how this policy has torn apart their lives and families and why the restoration of the Advance Parole travel policy is important meanwhile congress reaches a permanent solution for DACA recipients.

WHO: Opening remarks from Congress member Alan Lowenthal and six DACA recipients from CA, AZ, NY and WY, and moderated by Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos.

WHAT: Seminar on the critical importance of Advance Parole for DACA recipients

WHERE: Cannon House Office Building, Room 122

WHEN: Tuesday, January 15, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.



This CMSC’s Campaign to Restore Advance Parole in Washington DC is made possible by the support and leadership of: 

The California-Mexico Dreamers Network

San Diego Border Dreamers

Unidos US

The Arizona Dream Act Coalition

DMV Sanctuary Congregation Network

Luther Place Memorial Church

All Souls Unitarian Church

Along with almost 500 individuals who have endorsed and signed our campaign petition and who have donated to our campaign.



Keith HigginbothamCommunications Director

Congressman Alan Lowenthal, CA-47

125 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515

Office: (202) 225-7924 | Fax: (202) 225-7926

Prof. Armando Vazquez-RamosPresident and CEO

The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.

1551 N. Studebaker Road, Long Beach CA 90815

Cell: 562-972-0986

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