By: Pete Williams ~ NBC News ~ May 16, 2020
WASHINGTON — Now that oral arguments are over for this Supreme Court term, the attention turns to decisions.
As of now, 26 cases remain to be decided. The most significant will answer these questions:
-Is DACA a goner — that is, did the Trump administration act legally when it tried to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program?
-Does existing civil rights law make it illegal to fire employees because they’re gay, lesbian or transgender?
-Can states force doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals?
-Can the House and a New York grand jury get their hands on President Donald Trump’s taxes and financial documents?
-Are members of the Electoral College, who cast the actual votes for president in December, “faithless elector” free agents? Or are they required to vote for the winner of the popular vote in their states?
From here on, decisions will be made public at 10 a.m. every Monday (except for Memorial Day, when they’ll be released the day after). The court may also add decision days when we get into June.
Because the court building has been closed since mid-March, decisions will be posted on the court’s website at five-minute intervals, a procedure the court has been using for the past few months.
It’s impossible to say now when the term will end.
Normally, it wraps up during the last few days of June. But this year, two weeks of oral arguments were pushed into May, so it’s possible we may not get the final decisions until early July.
Source: Pete Williams ~ NBC News ~ May 16, 2020