The Debate on Dreamers : A Lesson Plan for Teaching About DACA

California-Mexico Studies Center

By Michael Gonchar ~ NY Times ~ February 25, 2018


Hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers — young adult immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — could face possible deportation unless Congress can find a solution in the coming weeks.

In September, President Trump announced he would not renew the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, that provides these young people with certain temporary protections. The program is set to expire on March 5.

What should Congress do? What should Americans who care about this issue do? In this lesson, students learn more about the immigrants affected by this political standoff; evaluate the policy proposals being debated; and explore ways to have their voices heard on one of the most contentious issues in American politics.


If you have one or two class periods …

Warm Up

Barometer or Paired Activity: Share the four statements below with students and ask them to decide whether they agree or disagree with each. You may choose to have them spend a few minutes writing why they agree or disagree as well.

Agree or Disagree Statements:

• Throughout American history, immigrants have helped make the United States a better, stronger nation.
• New immigrants continue to make the United States a better, stronger nation.
• Undocumented immigrants living in the United States should be allowed to live, work and raise families here, and should only be deported if they commit serious crimes.
• Immigrants who enter or stay in the United States without the appropriate legal documents are breaking the rules. They are not vetted like other immigrants, and they are not waiting in line the way the system requires.

If you do this as a barometer activity, post the terms “Strongly Agree” and “Strongly Disagree” at opposite ends of the classroom. Ask students to stand up and move to a spot in the classroom that most aligns with their beliefs about each statement. After you have read a statement and students have taken a stand on the continuum, ask a few volunteers to explain why they decided to stand where they did. If you choose to do this in pairs, have students talk together about their reactions. In both cases, you may want to first set ground rules about the language students should use to ensure that discussion of these issues is respectful.

Video: Then, have students watch this brief video featuring immigrants currently protected by DACA. Ask students to write down their reactions and any questions they have. Have the class share.


Article and Questions

Photo Credit- Lucy Nicholson/Reuters- DACA recipients and supporters outside Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., on Jan. 22. Related Article 

To get a better understanding of the politics surrounding DACA, have students read “What Is DACA? Who Are the Dreamers? Here Are Some Answers,” also available in this PDF (slightly abridged).

Here is an excerpt:

What is DACA?

The program was introduced in 2012 by President Barack Obama as a stopgap measure that would shield from deportation people who were brought into the United States as children. The status is renewable, lasting two years at a time. The program does not provide a pathway to citizenship.

Participation in the program comes with a range of benefits. Along with permission to remain in the country, recipients can also get work permits, through which many have obtained health insurance from their employers.

The ability to work has also allowed them to pay for school, pursue higher education and, in some states, drive legally. The program also opened up access to in-state tuition and state-funded grants and loans in some states. And depending on where they live, recipients can also qualify for state-subsidized health care.

Ask students to answer the following questions as they read:

1. When was DACA introduced, and what benefits does it provide its participants?

2. Who are the Dreamers? What requirements must they meet to be eligible for DACA?

3. Why did President Trump announce in September he was ending DACA?

4. What concessions do the White House and many Republican lawmakers want in exchange for providing a path to citizenship for DACA beneficiaries?

5. Why are many progressives, immigrant advocates and DACA recipients hoping for a “clean” Dream Act, and what would that law offer the Dreamers?

6. What will happen if Congress cannot come up with a solution and the injunction against the DACA phaseout is lifted by the courts?



Photo Credit- Ilana Panich-Linsman for The New York Times- Karen Reyes, 29, who is protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, teaches deaf toddlers at an Austin, Tex., school. But with the program’s future uncertain, so is hers. Related Article 

Quote Sort: In this activity, students work in small groups to sort eight quotes about DACA, included in this PDF, into three piles:

Pile 1: Quotes we primarily agree or sympathize with
Pile 2: Quotes we primarily disagree or do not sympathize with
Pile 3: Quotes we cannot agree on

Students can take turns reading quotes aloud. After each quote is read, the group discusses which pile the quote belongs in.

Here are two examples of quotes included in the PDF:

The common misconception is that DACA is a handout, however it’s anything but. The only thing DACA “handed” to me was hope. I was able to get a job for the first time, I was allowed to get my license, and go to college. To have hope about my future. Currently I’m studying communication and media, with no federal student aid as I did not qualify as a DACA student, just the scholarships and grants I earned in school. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m not afraid. I’m 21 years old and spent 15 of those years in the USA. This is my home and I’m here to stay. — Mila Ipek Acar, student from New York, N.Y.

Granting legal status to Dreamers could potentially cause a domino effect in which other families bring young children, hoping that in time their children will be granted legal status. — Jaclyn Haak, 19, a chemical engineering student at the University of Minnesota

After students sort the quotes, groups can report back to the class about which quotes they tended to agree or disagree with — or which quotes ended up in Pile 3 because they could not reach a consensus.

Closing Activity or Exit Ticket: Each student should choose one quote from the previous activity that he or she disagrees with and write a thoughtful response capturing what they think about the DACA program and what Congress should do. You may want to have students write their response as a letter addressed to that individual.


Follow-Up Activity

The Learning Network will announce its Fifth Annual Student Editorial Contest on Feb. 28, and submissions will be accepted from then until April 5. Students can write editorials about anything, but one topic that certainly seems relevant right now is the issue of DACA and what will happen with the Dreamers. You can consult our 2017 rules to learn more about the contest while waiting for this year’s official announcement.

Before they get started, students can do additional research. Relevant articles in The Times include:

A Typical ‘Dreamer’ Lives in Los Angeles, Is From Mexico and Came to the U.S. at 6 Years Old
With DACA in Limbo, Teachers Protected by the Program Gird for the Worst
Most Americans Want Legal Status for ‘Dreamers.’ These People Don’t.
The Childhood Journeys That Made Them ‘Dreamers’
For DACA Recipients, Losing Protection and Work Permits Is Just the StartAmerican Dreamers
Trump Immigration Plan Demands Tough Concessions From Democrats
Senate Begins ‘Wild’ Week of Debate on Immigration, Outcome Unknown

Alternatively, you can have students write their opinions in a letter or email that they send to a member of Congress. Use these links to find your Representative’s contact information and your Senator’s contact information.

Source:  Michael Gonchar ~ NY Times

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