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Conservatives fear Trump will cut immigration deal
By Melanie Zanona ~ The Hill ~ October 17, 2018
Conservatives are growing worried that President Trump and GOP leaders will strike a slimmed-down immigration deal during the lame-duck session if Democrats win back the House in November.
Republicans fear that Trump, who relishes in the role of dealmaker, will be eager to provide protections for hundreds of thousands of so-called Dreamers in exchange for a $25 billion border wall, and that he might do so without getting any other concessions from Democrats if he thinks it’s his last chance to secure funding for the wall.
But a potential agreement over the hot-button issue of immigration fell apart in June, and it’s highly unlikely that immigration hard-liners like White House senior adviser Stephen Miller would back legislation that trades Dreamers for the wall. Read More
Support the CMSC Fund Drive to continue to advocate for the restoration of DACA’s Advance Parole authorization
As you may already know, the CMSC is committed to educate about, and advocate for the reinstatement of the Advance Parole provision for DACA recipients. Thus, we plan to incorporate more stories, voices and testimonies from DACA-mented individuals who traveled with Advance Parole, who participated in our California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program, and also those who have been denied since September 5, 2017.
The current version of the documentary features Mayra Garibo, a Senior at CSU Dominguez Hills and a DACA recipient, who could not attend her dad’s funeral when he passed away in Mexico early this year. She applied for humanitarian Advance Parole and was denied twice. Mayra was unable to pay the last respects to her beloved father whom she had not seen in 17 years. Now one of her grandparents has cancer and she wants to see him and take care of him before it is too late.
Learn more about the Advance Parole provision, and the CMSC’s unique study abroad program for DACA recipients, watch this 1-minute movie clip from the documentary:
Also, in case you haven’t, you can watch the 30-minute documentary here:
But given the administration’s heartless decision to suspend Advance Parole for Dreamers, Mayra must choose between her family in Mexico and her life in the United States.
The original Advance Parole film follows Mayra Garibo’s efforts and leadership to challenge the system and pave the way not only for her to reunite with her family in Mexico, but also to prevent Dreamers from suffering a humanitarian and emotional crisis as she endured when her father passed away early this year.
The Advance Parole extended version aims to build upon and share more stories and voices from other Dreamers, who either benefited from Advance Parole and those who have been unjustly denied.
But to move forward with this, we need your help!
All volunteers, leadership and support initiatives, and community engagement is welcomed!
Donations and financial backing will help us continue to advocate for the reinstatement of Advance Parole, to cover our social media campaign, film production, and marketing costs.
All support and campaign participation is greatly appreciated!
Please contact us to join this campaign, as an individual or an organization at californiamexicocenter@gmail.com
Check out our CrowdRise Campaign, or donate HERE
Visit our campaign website: www.advanceparole.org
Follow the cause on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Mexico’s President-Elect Rethinks His Campaign Promises
By Elisabeth Malkin and Paulina Villegas ~ NY Times
MEXICO CITY – Winning Mexico’s presidency this summer did not slow down Andrés Manuel López Obrador: Three months into his transition, he is traveling across the country to thank voters, replay his campaign promises and pledge, “I will not fail you.”
But now there’s often an asterisk: “We wish we could give more.”
Mr. López Obrador was elected by a landslide in July on a mandate to battle corruption, reduce soaring violence and tackle the country’s entrenched inequality. Now those promises are colliding against a reality too complex to be reduced to a stump speech.
As a result, a new note has crept into his speeches. He has backtracked on many of his signature issues and hedged on his commitments, trying to whittle down his supporters’ outsize expectations.
At stops around the country, he is renewing his pledges to provide cash grants for young people, higher pensions for retirees, price supports for farmers and loans for small business. Only now he adds, “We are not going to spend more than what comes in,” as he told a rally recently. Read More
Caravana Hondureña y la alarma de los migrantes en EU y México
Por Carlos Rojas~ Alto Nivel ~ Octubre 23, 2018
Para México, y en particular para el gobierno electo, esta “crisis” es el momento más importante del sexenio.
Las caravanas migrantes no son sino una forma elegante de llamar a lo que ya durante el último lustro ha sido una respuesta de los migrantes, sobre todo originarios de Centroamérica, para cruzar México de forma un poco más segura en su camino a los Estados Unidos.
Hoy, el tema de la #CaravanaHondureña capta la atención de los medios alrededor del mundo, no por la tragedia humana que esto significa, sino por las amenazas de Donald Trump, ocupante de la Casa Blanca.
El presidente estadounidense advirtió al gobierno mexicano que enviaría tropas a la frontera.
Las lecturas que de este fenómeno se pueden hacer son muchas y varían dependiendo del angulo ideológico, la nacionalidad y la historia personal desde el que se efectúen. Leer Más
Understanding the Chicano student movement at Cerritos College
By Rebecca Aguilar ~ Talon Marks ~ October 19, 2018
The Chicano and Chicano studies department seeks to increase the understanding and valuing the historic and cultural significance of Mexican-American and Latina(o) communities here at Cerritos College on Oct. 16.
As Latinas and Latinos entered the Learning Resource Center to listen in on professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos’s presentation on the Chicano studies movement, Los Alcaranes song “Pocho” was playing in the background to set the atmosphere for what was to become a lecture to spark the interest in ethnic studies and for students to be activists.
To raise awareness on how Chicano Studies was created, Professor Armando Vazquez-Ramos, president and CEO of the California-Mexico Studies center from CSULB, gave the students more information on how the 1968 East L.A High School walk-out in Lincoln Heights, sparked a higher demand in Ethnic studies among the state of California and nationwide for Chicanos and Chicanas.
This lecture was planned by counselor and coordinator Rosa Carrillo, in which she states, “this event is actually part of the Latinx Awareness month and this is just one of the many events that we’re hosting.” Read More.
Presentación Editorial del libro: La Frontera México y Estados Unidos
25 de Octubre, 5:00pm-8:00pm
UCLA Downtown Labor Center
675 S Park View St
Los Angeles, CA 90057
La Frontera Mexico y Estados Unidos: Espacio global para la expansión del capital transnacional
Dr. William I. Robinson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, UCLA Labor Center
Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, The California-Mexico Studies Center, Inc.
Daniel Montes, Union del Barrio
Dr. Juan Manuel Sandoval Palacios, Instituto Nacional de Antropologgia e Historia, Red Mexicana de Acción frente al Libre Comercio
CSU Bakersfield Theatrefest Presents: Dreamers: Aquí y Allá
Don’t miss it, this weekend only!
Thursday-Saturday, October 25, 26 & 27 at 8pm
Sunday, October 28 at 2pm
CSU Bakersfield Doré Theatre
Purchase tickets online at: csub.edu/theatre
You are cordially invited to the monthly
October 30th, 5:00pm-8:00pm
El Torito de Long Beach ; 3301 Atlantic AveLong Beach, CA 90807 (off the Atlantic Ave exit- 405 fwy)
Come celebrate Día de los Muertos and a presentation on Centro CHA’s Latino Economic Summit.
Hosted by Armando Vazquez-Ramos & Jessica Quintana
$10 at the door for all you can eat “Taco Tuesday”
Free to the first 25 guests to RSVP at: adriana@centrocha.org
For more information, contact: Armando Vazquez-Ramos at: (562) 972-0986 or
Complimentary parking, breakfast and lunch provided!!
Join us for a special screening of the CMSC’s documentary film: Advance Parole
A discussion will follow on election results.
Refreshments provided!!