Trump’s defiance of the Supreme Courts’​ ruling on DACA will face legal and political consequences

California-Mexico Studies Center

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In response to Trump’s new attempt to kill DACA the CMSC decides to continue the Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole and Dreamers’ Study Abroad program 

Due to yesterday’s decision by the Trump Administration to attempt killing the DACA program again, the California-Mexico Studies Center (CMSC) has decided to continue our National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole and the California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program. In addition we have offered interested applicants several options to withdraw or to continue with the program as an advocacy effort to fight DHS until Trump is out of office.

 According to yesterday’s NBC News article “Trump administration to reject new DACA applications during ‘comprehensive’ review,” the Trump Administration has decided to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s order to reinstate DACA to the original terms when it was established in 2012.

Clearly, Trump’s contempt of court is an unprecedented constitutional defiance that will shift the future of DACA back to the judicial arena and public opinion.

Since we received almost 200 applications in only 2 weeks, the CMSC has decided to continue planning for the Winter 2020 California-Mexico Dreamers Study Abroad Program and to create a new program for Summer 2021 for all Dreamers that want to continue the quest for justice with us.

However, we understand that this will be an advocacy effort and a fight against DHS, therefore all applicants have been given an option to withdraw from the program and be refunded before July 31st, or continue with the program as a community organizing project. As of now, the CMSC has not filed new Advance Parole applications.

We plan to apply for educational Advance Parole authorization for 10 months from December 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021, in case the USCIS approval process is delayed until Trump is booted out of office, or if we decide to postpone the winter program due to unsafe health conditions in Mexico, caused by the pandemic at the end of the year.

With this in mind, the CMSC will continue our 2-year National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole and proceed to file applications for educational and humanitarian Advance Parole, despite the intransigence and hateful legacy of Trump’s government that will be challenged at the ballot box on November 3, 2020.

 Do not despair, organize and mobilize to ensure that Latinos are fully counted by the U.S. Census through October, and get out the vote to DUMP TRUMP !!!



Given Trump’s decision to kill DACA we are offering a new and updated info session regarding the impact that the recent DHS memo will have on our CMD Study Abroad Program. Join us on Wednesday Aug. 5th on Facebook Live at 6pm PST/ 9pm EST.

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Nuevo Ataque a DACA


Trump Administration to reject new DACA applications during ‘comprehensive’ review 

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By: Lauren Egan and Shannon Pettypiece ~ NBC News ~ July 28, 2020

The White House’s decision comes shortly after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump’s effort to end the DACA program was unconstitutional.

The White House announced Tuesday that the United States will take steps to wind down legal protections for hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought into the country as children, often called “Dreamers,” while it conducts a legal review after the Supreme Court rejected President Donald Trump’s plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, better known as DACA.

A senior administration official said that despite the Supreme Court ruling, the White House still viewed the DACA program as illegal and that the court ruling left room for the administration to pursue other ways of ending the program. The Trump administration would “limit the scope” of DACA while the administration reviews its legality, the official said. Read full article here 


A two-step plan to kill DACA 

By: Francesco Rodeva and Maria Peña ~ Telemundo ~ July 29, 2020

 For many dreamers, learning about the new decision by the Trump Administration, to reduce the extension of the DACA program permits to one year and reject new applications has been like receiving a slap in the face

The changes in the implementation of this immigration relief plan, announced on Tuesday, again leaves tens of thousands of young people in uncertainty regarding their future in the United States. This is a new setback for them, just a little over a month after the Supreme Court ruled on a decision that had made many beneficiaries of the program , officially known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, breathe easier.

That ruling determined that the Administration acted illegally in its 2017 plan to dismantle DACA and asked it to present new arguments to eventually proceed in that direction, although it did not rule on the legality of the

program. Now everything can change once again.

Read Full Article Here 



“Un plan de dos pasos para matar DACA”: Dreamers y activistas rechazan los cambios en el programa anunciados por el gobierno Trump 

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Por: Francesco Rodeva and Maria Peña ~ Telemundo ~ Julio 29, 2020

Organizaciones de derechos civiles y apoyo a los inmigrantes anuncian que desafiarán en las cortes la nueva decisión de la Administración. “No debemos caer en los trucos políticos y las mentiras de Trump”, dice una beneficiaria del programa.

Para muchos dreamers, conocer la nueva decisión de la Administración del presidente, Donald Trump, de reducir a un año la extensión de los permisos del programa DACA y rechazar nuevas solicitudes ha sido como recibir una bofetada.

Los cambios en la aplicación de este plan de alivio migratorio, anunciados el martes, dejan otra vez a decenas de miles de jóvenes en la incertidumbre respecto a su futuro en Estados Unidos. Se trata para ellos de un nuevo varapalo, a tan solo poco más de un mes desde que la Corte Suprema dictaminara una decisión que había hecho respirar más tranquilos a muchos beneficiarios del programa, conocido oficialmente como Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia…. Leer Mas 


Trump begins DACA recession again

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By: Josh Blackman ~ Reason ~ July 29, 2020

Yesterday, the Trump Administration commenced its third effort to wind down DACA. DACA Rescission 1.0 began in 2017. Attorney General Sessions wrote a letter to Acting DHS Secretary Duke. Sessions concluded that DACA was unlawful. And Duke, bound by that determination, issued a memorandum to rescind DACA on the sole ground that it was unlawful. She did not rely on any policy rationales. The district courts quickly enjoined the 2017 Duke Memorandum. Judge Bates (DDC) gave the administration another shot to rescind DACA. In 2018, DHS Secretary Nielsen issued a new memorandum. Call this document DACA Rescission 2.0. On appeal, the Supreme Court found that the 2017 Duke Memorandum was arbitrary and capricious. The majority declined to consider the 2018 Nielsen memorandum. (Justice Kavanaugh would have considered it). The Supreme Court’s decision affirmed the lower-court rulings, thus lifting the stays. As a result, the 2017 Duke Memorandum was now fully enjoined by several courts. The original 2012 DHS Secretary Napolitano Memorandum remained in full force Read Full Article Here 


A rare look inside Trump’s Immigration Crackdown draws legal threat 

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By: Caitlin Dickerson ~ New York Times ~July 23, 2020

A new documentary peers inside the secretive world of immigration enforcement. The filmmakers faced demands to delete scenes and delay broadcast until after the election.

In early 2017, as Immigration and Customs Enforcement prepared to carry out the hard-line agenda on which President Trump had campaigned, agency leaders jumped at the chance to let two filmmakers give a behind-the-scenes look at the process.

But as the documentary neared completion in recent months, the administration fought mightily to keep it from being released until after the 2020 election. After granting rare access to parts of the country’s powerful immigration enforcement machinery that are usually invisible to the public, administration officials threatened legal action and sought to block parts of it from seeing the light of day.

Some of the contentious scenes include ICE officers lying to immigrants to gain access to their homes and mocking them after taking them into custody. One shows an officer illegally picking the lock to an apartment building during a raid.

Read full article here 


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