Trump’s massive deportation will target people that won’t assimilate ~ El Magonista, March 1, 2017

California-Mexico Studies Center
Behind President Trump’s efforts to step up deportations and block travel from seven mostly Muslim countries lies a goal that reaches far beyond any immediate terrorism threat: a desire to reshape American demographics for the long term and keep out people who Trump and senior aides believe will not assimilate.
In pursuit of that goal, Trump in his first weeks in office has launched the most dramatic effort in decades to reduce the country’s foreign-born population and set in motion what could become a generational shift in the ethnic makeup of the U.S.
Trump and top aides have become increasingly public about their underlying pursuit, pointing to Europe as an example of what they believe is a dangerous path that Western nations have taken. Trump believes European governments have foolishly allowed Muslims with extreme views to settle in their countries, sowing seeds for unrest and recruitment by terrorist groups.
“Take a look at what’s happening in Sweden. Take a look at what’s happening in Germany. Take a look at what’s happened in France. Take a look at Nice and Paris,” Trump said Friday during a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, referring to riots last week in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood in Stockholm, as well as attacks and unrest in similar neighborhoods in Germany and France over the last few years.
Trump is also expected to talk about the need for stringent security during his address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. And he is likely to issue a new travel ban this week, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Monday.
Critics of Trump’s travel ban, including several federal judges who have blocked it, have pointed to a lack of evidence that immigrants from the seven countries have engaged in terrorist acts in the U.S. Trump’s aides see a lack of trouble so far in the U.S. as having little relevance.
Two days after Trump imposed the ban, a senior administration official told reporters at the White House that the order was part of a larger strategy to develop an immigration system that selects immigrants the White House believes will make “positive contributions” to the country.
“We don’t want a situation where, 20 to 30 years from now, it’s just like a given thing that on a fairly regular basis there is domestic terror strikes, stores are shut up or that airports have explosive devices planted, or people are mowed down in the street by cars and automobiles and things of that nature,” the official said.
President Obama and his aides also sometimes contrasted the relative lack of terrorism in the U.S. experience with the higher level of violence in Europe. But they attributed the difference to America having done a better job than European countries of assimilating foreign-born residents.
Trump and his aides do not accept that. In their eyes, the U.S. has been spared mostly because its Muslim population remains much smaller than that of France, Germany or other European nations. Muslims make up about 7.5% of the French population, but only about 1% in the U.S., according to estimates by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
“Foreign terrorists will not be able to strike America if they cannot get into our country,” Trump said Friday. “Take a look at what’s happening to our world, folks. And we have to be smart. We have to be smart. We can’t let it happen to us,” he said.
But U.S. demographics have been changing rapidly – and undesirably in the eyes of top Trump aides, including his chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, and domestic policy advisor Stephen Miller.

Deportación masiva, una repetición en la historia de Estados Unidos

Por: Jose Romero Mata, Notimex ~ Feb. 28 2017
LOS ANGELES – El gobierno del presidente estadounidense Donald Trump prepara una gran deportación de inmigrantes mexicanos aunque no sería la primera vez que ocurre en Estados Unidos aseveró hoy el académico Armando Vazquez-Ramos.
“Estamos viendo una repetición de la historia con la deportación masiva de mexicanos de Estados Unidos se esta gestando con la administración del presidente Donald Trump”, afirmó el académico.
“Lo que está preparando el presidente Trump es retomar  la Gestapo de la época Nazi y sacar al mayor número de inmigrantes indocumentados a través de una policía migratoria que buscará deportar al mayor número en su administración”, declaró en charla con NTX.
“Haciendo esa conexión hoy somos los judíos de una sociedad de un país como fueron los judíos en Alemania de los 30s y el que lo niegue que vea la historia”, puntualizó en una charla realizada en el sitio histórico en donde fue fundada la ciudad de Los Angeles en tiempos de territorio mexicano.
En la época de los años 30s del siglo pasado el gobierno estadounidense trajo a cinco millones de inmigrantes mexicanos a trabajar en el ferrocarril y en los campos y por decisión de su presidente Herber Hoover deportó a más de dos millones.
“En esa acción cientos de miles eran ciudadanos estadunidenses, muchos no hablaban español y fueron enviados a Mexico por una de las resoluciones más severas y violadoras de derechos constitucionales”, aseveró Vazquez-Ramos.
 “Aunque en el primer mes de Trump la deportación de más de diez mil indocumentados no se compara con lo que hizo el presidente Barack Obama en ocho años, acotó el académico
En la época de la Gran Depresión en EU se impulso una gran presión para deportar masivamente a mexicanos.
“Para los indocumentados la administración Obama fue nefasta y muchos no lo quieren reconocer pero fue el peor de los presidentes por el record de deportaciones”, resaltó.
“Estamos viendo una repetición de la historia que se dio en la Gran Depresión, en la administración Obama y ahora con Trump que ahora tipifica de manera generalizada a indocumentados como “bad hombres”.

“No te Dejes” Know Your Rights Series

Click here to read and download a bilingual guide to learn about your rights as an immigrant, and how to deal with ICE agents at any given time and place.

Coming out of the Shadows

Future Underrepresented Educated Leaders (FUEL), CSULB’s student organization that supports undocumented students, will be hosting its annual “Coming Out of the Shadows” event this upcoming Tuesday March 7, 2017 from 12 pm to 2pm at the USU Southwest Terrance at Cal State Long Beach. The event will feature a keynote and speakers who will share their experiences as undocumented students.



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