Urgent need to provide mental health services to immigrants in response to Trump’s State-terrorism

California-Mexico Studies Center

By: Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, CMSC President and CEO ~ July 19, 2019

The CMSC calls upon policymakers at all levels to respond to the State-terrorism targeted and inflicted by President Trump’s hateful and anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Heydi Gámez García, a 13-year-old Honduran teenager who recently committed suicide after being separated from her father, is not the only human tragedy being faced by the immigrant community, which is under siege by the increasing xenophobia coming from the White House on a daily basis.

This trauma is affecting all segments of the immigrant population but in particular the youngest in our community.

Thus, we call upon school districts and academics to immediately address this crisis and to develop plans and policies to respond through mental health interventions for immigrant students and parents.

This call to action is also based on our experience with the psychological suffering of Dreamers due to their binational experiences and inability to reconnect with their loved ones abroad, which also needs critical attention by educational, mental health and social services institutions.

Through the CMSC’s 3rd phase of our National Campaign to Restore DACA’s Advance Parole, we have already received several applications from DACA recipients that involve the passing and/or imminent loss of family members that they are unable to attend, due to the Trump government’s refusal to authorize humanitarian travel abroad.

Heydi Gámez García: PRESENTE !!!

Source: Prof. Armando Vazquez-Ramos, CMSC President and CEO ~ July 19, 2019

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